
Cafe De Sug, Kape Maria

 Though I'm trying not to drink coffee, because it inhibits iron absorption, which is not good for my iron deficiency problem, I think sipping half a cup every morning is not that bad ;p

I bought these coffees together with my HumanNature goodies, the last time we went in their main branch.
They costs Php295 each but because I have discounts I only got them for less Php250 if i remember.
They come with really great packaging which is nice when you're giving them out as gifts.

Cafe De Sug

I loved the quirky notes on their packaging.

"Mulat Magdamag" - :)

 We were expecting it to taste bold and strong but, compared to Folgers, it was not.
I'm thinking maybe we should brew it longer but I don't know how to do it in a drip coffee maker. Maybe boiling it with water and then filter the coffee beans afterwards is worth a try.

"Café de Sug is a social enterprise founded by Xilca Alvarez with the vision of providing a sustainable means of livelihood for farmers in Sulu. They hope to bring a radical change in our perception of Sulu, while uplifting young minds from the trauma of war, one cup at a time."


We tried the Sierra Madre Organika Blend. It is more powderized/ground compared to Cafe De Sug.  
It is brown in color when brewed. I think I like this better bec it taste stronger than Cafe de Sug. 

I love the simplicity, eco-look of the packaging

"Kape Maria is a social enterprise founded by Julia Sevilla that believes in cultivating our local coffee industry through fair trade practices. With every cup you drink, you're not only supporting our local coffee farmers and roasters so that they receive fair wages – you’re uplifting our entire coffee industry! So drink up!"

It feels good to wake up in the morning with coffee aroma filling up the room and at the same time helping the farmers community (^_^)


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