We arrived at around 1PM.
Long queue before entering MegaTent.
I really don't have intention of buying for myself but as I was looking on the Lena style, I find it cute somehow so i started looking for black size 5. I got hold of the left pair and have difficulty finding the other half. The saleslady said there are no more stocks for that. (?)
After searching boxes and checking almost all the black lena style, I almost gave up. But I heard the other lady asking the sales attendant for the left pair size 5 black and she was holding the other pair! (aha!) I quietly waited for her to let go of the other pair as she searched here and there, checking out the piles and boxes, asking again the attendant....searching... searching...
Until finally! she gave up (nyaha!)
Lena style Buy 1 Take 1 (^_^)

We leave at around 3pM.
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